Office of Justice Program Releases Anti-Human Trafficking Directory

Anoka County Court House
Anoka County Court House

The Office of Justice Program (OJP) has released an anti-human trafficking directory to help service providers and everyone willing to learn more about anti-human trafficking efforts. A press release issued this morning stated that  the “directory includes Training and Technical Assistance (TTA) opportunities available on topics ranging from building strong cases for prosecution to providing comprehensive victim services.

According to the release, the directory is a “resource that allows you to strategically plan for your staff to obtain the TTA they need. Refer your colleagues to TTA that meets their needs.”

the directory provides in-depth information on training and materials for practitioners. Victims and survivors also are covered on the website. there are training, grants and scholarships for victims and survivors of human trafficking.

Victims and Survivors scholarship

The scholarship is not an individual based scholarship. An organization who is helping a victim can apply for the scholarship to be awarded to the victim or survivor.

According to the OJP, awards are “based on program eligibility requirements, are limited to available funds, and are nontransferable.” Also, a maximum award of $10,000 is issued per organization per 12 months period.

In addition, “If being awarded for organizations sponsoring a state conference, the maximum award is $10,000 per state per 12-month period from the start date of the event. OVC TTAC must receive the completed Crime Victim/Survivor Scholarship application and all application materials at least 90 calendar days prior to the event or the request will be rejected – NO EXCEPTIONS.”

To learn about eligibility and how to apply, visit the OJP website at


Directory of Training and Technical Assistance Resources for Anti-Human Trafficking Task Forces and Service Providers

Click on the link above to access the directory of the Training and Technical Assistance Resources fro Anti-Human trafficking task Forces and Service providers.

