Destination Freedom, Inc.

Destination Freedom logo

Destination Freedom logo
Destination Freedom logo
 Destination Freedom’s vision is to walk victims and communities to freedom through Awareness, Education and Rescue. Our F.E.E.T. Project does just that!
DFI: Supports and partners with local organizations, Minnesota Human Trafficking Task Force, Minnesota Human Trafficking Task Force Prevention Committee, Anoka County Human Trafficking Task Force Department, and Anoka County Compassion Action Network. DFI is working hard at uniting these forces to form rescue shelters for human trafficking victims and high risk youth. To give emergency care and shelter, transitional housing and programming, and long term residency with education and workforce abilities.
Together we will make a difference!!!
  • DFI and the Anoka County Human Trafficking Task Force will be speaking on Human Trafficking on Thursday August 1 2013 at the Compassion Action Network Circle of Influence Meeting. Look  for  updates on how we all can join forces and work together!
Empowering and strengthening the survivors of human trafficking by supportive care. Resource based service for growth and continual healing. The survivors are a vital part of helping others in their healing and Destination Freedom believes that  empowering survivors to help others by speaking engagements, mentoring, and program development, is important to putting an end to human trafficking.
Destination Freedom work diligently at equipping communities, through raising awareness and training. In the community there are many services and caring people that would like to get involved, Destination Freedom will train and empower these companies and individual to work with organizations to reach their influence areas.
  • DFI is proud of Freedom Ink, a service to remove or cover branding tattoos that aides the victim in their recovery from violence. DFI has a data base One service that we are currently working on is Freedom Ink, A tattoo service to erase or cover up branding tattoos on survivors.
  • DFI uses fun ways to spark the attention in the community. Events of many kinds, some of which are, car washes, grocery bagging, table set up, and we have many new, exciting ideas in the works!
  • DFI is open for speaking event. Over the years DFI has spoken at Anoka Ramsey Community College, South West High School, Spectrum High School, and the Minnesota School of Business. DFI has more to come so use our contact tab to set up a speaker for you community!
  • DFI has a strong male support team. We believe that it is important to empower boys and men in the community to take action against human trafficking and violence against girls and women. DFI trains young men on the importance to respect them self, be strong, and make changes in their community. We partnered with Truckers Against Trafficking to speak to young men.
Destination Freedom believe strongly that education is vital to continual change.
 Destination currently is working on two educational programs:
  • DFI is proud of the Spectrum High School 9th ~12th grade students that have worked with DFI to train the community, fellow students, and faculty about human trafficking. Together the students have donated over 500 pieces of clothing for homeless youth, made T-shirts, logos, and a website to continue to raise awareness.
  • DFI has a curriculum that adapts to all class room environments. From a year long program with creative support from our team to a broken down specific workshop type program. We teach on human trafficking, safety, how to empower your self by practical tools, to follow your dream,and community outreach.
