MIC Hosts Panel Discussion on Human Trafficking

Not My Life Cover. Picture by WACA

Not My Life Cover. Picture by WACA
Not My Life Cover. Picture by WACA

Minnesota International Center (MIC) will host a panel discussion on human trafficking on Tuesday, August 20, 2013, from 6:00pm to 8:00 pm at the Cowles Auditorium at the Humphrey School of Public Affairs.

An email invitation received from MIC Public Events Manager, Nellie McKay revealed that the event was possible with the grant received by the World Affairs Councils of America (WACA) from Carlson and The Carlson Family Foundation “to bring attention to the critical issue of human trafficking and modern slavery.”

The grant was used to produce program series that will feature screenings of the documentary film Not My Life by Robert Bilheimer and Worldwide Documentaries in all WACA participating council communities.

MIC is one of the participating council and will feature a 30-minute version of the documentary for the panel discussion. McKay, who has invited Imprisoned Show, producer, Bukola Oriola stated: “MIC’s goal for our program is to build awareness to human trafficking issues, globally and in Minnesota. Following a viewing of the 30-minute version of Not My Life, we would be honored to have you participate in a discussion which raises public awareness to the human trafficking issue; encouraging safe environments for female empowerment; and ways to promote healthy relationships.”

“This would be an opportunity to present to our members and public, the steps being taken toward a positive path forward in combating trafficking, internationally and statewide,” She added.

About the Film

Not My Life, directed by Oscar nominee Robert Bilheimer, probes the dark, hidden, and often unspeakable realities of human trafficking and modern-day slavery- multi-billion dollar global industries that earn their profits, as the film’s narration says, “on the backs and in the beds of our planet’s youth.” The film is part of a global awareness campaign on modern slavery.



Minnesota International Center: http://www.micglobe.org/

World Affairs Council of America: http://www.worldaffairscouncils.org/2011/main/home.cfm?database=programs&Category=Not%20My%20Life&Section=Main