Help Victims and Survivors of Human Trafficking

Donate Your Empty Ink Cartridges, Toners, and Use Goodsearch
The Enitan Story is seeking the support of the public through empty ink cartridges and Goodsearch to help victims and survivors of human trafficking and domestic abuse. The organization is a local Minnesota registered 501c3 nonprofit organization that provides services to victims and survivors across the United States. Some of the services the organization provides include emergency funds, legal, medical, and life skills to both domestic and foreign born victims of human trafficking and domestic abuse. 
To help the organization raise funds to support its services, you can donate your empty ink cartridges and toners by dropping them off at its office located at 1628 County Highway 10, Suite 210, Spring Lake Park, MN 55432.
The Enitan Story is recycling used ink cartridges and laser toners as part of its fundraising program. Any donations will be sent to Funding Factory, a recycling company that donates to non-profits. Cartridges in better condition will bring back better returns, so please handle with care.
You can also help to raise money by using Goodsearch at for your search engine services. Goodsearch is a Yahoo!-powered search engine that donates money to non-profits when supporters use their search engine. The Enitan Story will receive one cent for every search conducted throughGoodsearch.
Goodsearch partners with retailers like Amazon, Expedia, and Staples to donate money to non-profits through their Goodshop program. The program also has coupons for users, so you can save money and donate at the same time.
To use Goodsearch, please visit
You can also learn more about The Enitan Story at