Department of Justice Gives $8.5 million to Prevent On-Campus Sexual Assault

The US Department of Justice’s Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) has given $8.5 million in grants to help with prevention and investigation into instances of campus sexual assault, domestic abuse, dating violence and stalking.

These grants have been awarded to institutions of higher learning across the country. In total, 27 grants were awarded.

Bea Hanson is Principal Deputy Director of the Office on Violence Against Women. “We know that victims who receive comprehensive advocacy and services are more likely to achieve their goals of safety, autonomy and healing,” she said in a press release. “Coordination between on-and-off campus victim services organizations and the local criminal justice system is critical to providing holistic support and services that victims need and ensuring that perpetrators are held accountable.”

All of the schools receiving an award will have new students attend prevention and informative programming. Likewise, they will train campus law enforcement and disciplinary boards on responding to incidents of sexual assault, domestic abuse, dating violence and stalking. Campuses can also use funds to develop and implement their own polices for prevention and accountability.