Social Media Workshop to Help Empower Nigerian Women and Girls
A day long social media workshop for women and girl-children was recently hosted by the U.S. Consulate in Lagos, Nigeria and Abisoye Ajayi of the Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI) and cofounder of the Pearls Africa Foundation, according to a press release. The workshop, called “A Crowd4Her,” was “meant to raise awareness on girl-child issues…
Imprisoned Show’s January 2016 Newsletter
Please click this link Imprisioned Show Newsletter to view or download Imprisoned Show and The Entian Story’s January 2016 newsletter. 2015 was a busy year for The Enitan Story. Bringing the Story Back Home sent The Enitan Story to Nigerian colleges to teach students about the dangers of human trafficking. The Enitan Story’s founder, Bukola Oriola,…
Office for Victims of Crime Releases “Faces of Human Trafficking” Video Series Featuring Entian Story Founder
The Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) has released a resource guide to assist policy makers, law enforcement, service providers and other stakeholders in the fight against human trafficking. The guide, called “Faces of Human Trafficking,” features a nine-part video series highlighting the stories of several survivors, service providers, and different aspects of the crime.…
Organizations to Hold Events for Human Trafficking Awareness Month
The International Human Trafficking Institute (IHTI) is pairing with the LGBT Institute and other partners in Florida and Georgia to hold events during National Human Trafficking Awareness Month. The events are intended to heighten awareness and get communities involved in the fight against human trafficking. On January 15, 2016, “Poetry for Freedom” is being held…
President Obama Declares January National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month
President Barak Obama has decreed that January of 2016 is National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention month. “One hundred and fifty years ago, our Nation codified the fundamental truth that slavery is an affront to human dignity,” President Obama said in a press release. “Still, the bitter fact remains that millions of men, women, and…
Founder of The Enitan Story, Bukola Oriola, Appointed to Serve on US Advisory Council on Human Trafficking
Bukola Oriola, founder of Minneapolis based non-profit organization, The Enitan Story, was appointed to serve on the US Advisory Council on Human Trafficking on December 21, 2015. “I am honored that these talented individuals have decided to serve our country,” said President Barack Obama in a press release. “They bring their years of experience and expertise…
October 9 is 2015 International Day of the Girl Child
Since 2012, the United Nations has been announcing one day deemed the International Day of the Girl Child. The day highlights girl’s human rights, gender inequalities, discrimination and abuse around the world. This year, it is on October 9, and the US Consulate in Lagos, Nigeria is hosting an event. The event, which begins at…
OVC to Honor Exemplary Victims Service Providers
The Office of Victims of Crime (OVC) will honor outstanding individuals, teams, and organizations in the victim’s service provider field at the 2016 National Crime Victims Service Awards. Public nominations are used to determine which organizations will receive the award. The awards are a way for OVC to observe National Crime Victims’ Rights Week, which…
On-Demand Webinar About On-Campus Sexual Assault
The Office of Justice Programs and the Forensic Technology Center of Excellence have teamed up to release a webinar on-campus sexual assault. The webinar is being released in response to alarming new statistics about sexual assault on college campuses, according to the Forensic Technology Center of Excellence website. It features five presenters, and is available…
Human Trafficking Bill Passes Through House To Empower Survivors
The Survivors of Human Trafficking Empowerment Act recently passed through the House of Representatives. It was passed as part of the larger Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act of 2015, according to a press release issued by Congressman Mike Honda. The bill creates a legislative advisory council led by survivors of human trafficking. This council…