Imprisoned Show Episode 23
Dr. Sherry Jordon of University of St. Thomas talks about why she introduced the topic of human trafficking in the classroom. Pamela Zimba, a retired teacher from Anoka Hennepin Schools also talks about child labor and the response of her students to the topic.
Imprisoned Show Episode 22
The Anoka County Attorney, Attorney Tony Palumbo and Anoka County Sheriff, Sheriff James Stuart are back on Imprisoned Show set to let us know what they have been doing in the past two years fighting human trafficking in Anoka County.
Cooking Dinner at Alexandra House
The Enitan Story and it’s great team of volunteers cooked dinner on Christmas Eve at Alexandra House. Below is a short video of the activity.
Imprisoned Show Episode 17
Commander Brian Podany of the Anoka Sheriff’s office speaks about the success and challenge of combating human trafficking in Anoka County. He also highlights some of the activities the sheriff has for human trafficking awareness and prevention this month.
Imprisoned Show Episode 13
Commander Brian Podany of the Anoka County Sheriff’s Office and Dr. Abimbola Asojo of the UUniversity of Minnesota College of Design talk with Bukola about the Anoka County sheriff’s office on combating human trafficking, and how college of design students have used their project of designing Imprisoned Show set to learn more about the topic.…