Over 3000 Victims Rescued by Polaris Project
Polaris Project, A national human trafficking agency has rescued over 3000 victims of human trafficking from their traffickers. A newsletter signed by the executive director of the organization, Bradley Myles showed that the organization has experienced success and progress in its rescuing project. According to him, “3,000 survivors connected to immediate assistance by the National…
Bukola’s Presentation at Love Power Church, Minneapolis
It was a pleasant morning, not too cold, as Bukola went to present at The Love Power Music and Miracles Ministries in Minneapolis. She got there with her son, Samuel and was directed to the breakfast area at the third floor of the Church building, where she had a meal with other women and men of…
Trafficking Protection Act of 2000 Gives Help to Victims
Victims of human trafficking can get help through the provisions of the Trafficking Protection Act of 2000. For a victim of get help, however, there is need for screening to certify that he or she is qualified under the Act. A person can become a victim of human trafficking as a result of fraud, force or coercion.…
Services Available to Survivors of Human Trafficking
(1)“Sex trafficking in which a commercial sex act is induced by force, fraud, or coercion, or in which the person induced to perform such act has not attained 18 years of age;” or (2) “[T]he recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for labor or services, through the use of force, fraud, or…
Attorney’s Role in Helping Human Trafficking Victims
Attorneys play a vital role in helping victims of human trafficking. Sometimes, when an attorney is working with domestic abuse victim, the victim might also be a victim of human trafficking. It is however important for an attorney to take the time to find out if his or her client is a victim of human trafficking. The American…
Law Enforcement as First Responders
Human trafficking is both a domestic and international crime being committed daily around the world. The fact that human trafficking is the modern day slavery cannot be over emphasized. Local law enforcement agencies often are the first to come into contact with this covert crime. And, as first responders, law enforcement agencies play a critical…
Lack of Service for Child Victim of Human Traficking
Founder and Director, Mission 21, Stephanie Holt has said that there are not adequate service for children victims of human trafficking in the United States. Holt expressed her concern on the Imprisoned Show set last night in Blaine, Minnesota. According to her, Mission 21, an advocacy group with housing facility for children victim of human…
Helping Sex Slaves in Spain
Imprisoned Show, Episode 9Imprisoned Show, Episode 9 Rev. Joyce McNaughton of rejoice Ministries is a Chicago based minister who goes to Spain every year to rescue sex slaves. She launched a van project titled “Go. Stand. Speak. This helps her to reach out to girls from various nationalities who are trapped in the sex slave…